Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TFY8-12 Summary

Summary TFY
This chapter is about how to recognize viewpoints and understand how they filter reality for us.This chapter illustrates how stories revolve around viewpoints,how conscious and unconscious viewpoints differ,how news framing conveys covert viewpoints, and how political viewpoints might be characterized.

The skills of analyzing and writing arguments require some knowledge of every chapter concept studied this far.This chapter entail guidelines for analyzing arguments,distinguishing arguments from reports,separating reasons from conclusions,recognizing missing and false information.

This chapter is about the names and meanings of eleven fallacies.Fallacies may be accidental or intentional;many are amusing.all are manipulative;each sidesteps the work of constrcting a fair and well-reasoned argument.This chapter tell us how to recognize a number of basic fallacies and understand why they are fallacious.

Inductive reasoning is a method used to discover new information or supply missing information. When we reason inductively, we observe, test, and investigate in a systematic manner known as the empirical or scientific method.This chapter show how induction uses sensory observation, enumeration, analogical reasoning, pattern discovery, causal reasoning, reasoning from hypotheses and through statistics and probability.

This chapter explains the fundamental standards that govern deductive reasoning. It offers a basic vocabulary of logic and explains how deduction and induction interplay in our thinking. Discussion with multiple exercises will show the meaning and significance of such terms as syllogism, premises and conclusion, validity and soundness.

CRCB8-14 Summary

Summary CRCB
Organazitional methods help us understand the ideas in the textbooks and how they are already familiar with.it also help us to remember what we have read.A useful way to identify an author's method of organization is to look for the organizational word clues that indicate which patterns he or she is using.It is also important to assess an author's overall method of organization.

The PSR technique also requires us to respond to readings by writing in our journal.Commenting in writing helps us digest and understand an author's ideas and articulate our own.

Textbook marking is a systematic mark-and-label reading tool that helps us distinguish important ideas from less important ones.

Types of visual aids include mindmaps,outlines,charts,diagrams,graphs,illustrations,photographs,and time lines.The type of information being conveyed determines what type of visual aid an author will use.Learning how to read visuals will help us to understand and remember the textual information they illustrate.

Arguments always have the structure of at least one reason and one conclusion.Arguments can be evaluated using specific criteria including determining dependability,distinguishing fact from opinion,and detecting fallacies.The two primary types of arguments are deductive and inductive.

Cretical reading comprehension involves challenging yourself to understand what you read in your textbooks at different levels of complexity.

Evaluating Internet sources of information helps us determine if they are reliable and useful.Use the Internet source evaluation system described in this chapter as a tool for assessing websites.